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City Pub

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City Pub is a popular place among visitors to Sarajevo, who are looking for a place to have a good time and relax. This pub is located in a very attractive location in the very center of the city, at Hadžiristića bb, Sarajevo. In the following, we will evaluate this pub according to all factors from service, prices, atmosphere, quality and offer. When it comes to the service at City Pub, it can be said that it is extremely good.

The staff is very friendly and helpful and tries to make the guests' stay as pleasant as possible. Drink prices are affordable compared to other similar bars in the city center. The atmosphere in City Pub is relaxed and pleasant, so this pub is often recommended as a place to hang out with friends after a hard day's work. If you want to change your daily routine a little, this pub is the right place for you.

The quality of the drinks offered is very good. In addition to the standard assortment, City Pub offers a wide selection of craft beers, domestic and foreign wines, as well as cocktails. Drink prices are affordable. When it comes to food in this pub you can find a variety of snacks that will go great with your drink.

Visitors can enjoy football and basketball matches broadcast on the big screen. You can enjoy this Pub during the day, and in the evening you can expect live music and a great time. If you are planning an evening out, it is recommended that you reserve a place before your arrival. Unfortunately, City Pub does not have available parking, so visitors must find a parking space in the surrounding streets.

However, the pub is very well connected by public transport, so it's easy to get to. Regarding the pet friendly policy, City Pub is unfortunately not pet friendly, but pets are allowed in the outside part of the pub. When it comes to payment, visitors have the option of paying by cash or card. The advantages of this pub are very good service, a pleasant atmosphere, affordable prices and a selection of drinks. However, the only drawback is the lack of parking space. Overall, City Pub is a very good place to relax and hang out with friends over a good drink.