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The National Museum in Sarajevo is one of the most important cultural and historical institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This museum offers a rich collection of archaeological, ethnographic, natural history and art exhibits that provide insight into various aspects of the history and culture of the region. The National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo is a museum institution in Bosnia and Herzegovina, founded in 1888, during the Austro-Hungarian rule. The National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina was founded on February 1, 1888.

It was originally located in a building next to the Sarajevo Cathedral, and the construction of today's representative museum building at Marijin Dvor began in 1909, according to the project of Karl Paržik, and was completed in 1913. In this Museum, in a short time, you can "walk" through the past of Bosnia and Herzegovina from the oldest times, up to the ethnological collections whose interior evokes the atmosphere of a traditional town house in the Ottoman period. The permanent exhibition "Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Middle Ages" is located in three halls, where archaeological objects of medieval culture from the 6th to the 15th century are exhibited. Among the 11,500 inventory items, there are exhibits that adorned the courts of the Bosnian royal Kotromanić dynasty.

The most valuable exhibit in the Museum's collection is the famous Sarajevo Haggadah, which Sephardic Jews brought with them from Spain to Sarajevo. There is also a rich collection of the Department of Natural Sciences, which includes the living and non-living world, and in which, among other things, you can see the skeleton of the Bradan eagle, a bird with a giant wingspan, which not so long ago flew in the sky over Bosnia and Herzegovina. Four pavilions connected by terraces surround a beautifully landscaped botanical garden. In front of the museum building, as well as in the inner courtyard, there is a valuable collection of stećaks, gravestones from the Middle Ages of zero value.

In the botanical garden, which is located in the central part of the Museum complex, more than 3000 plant species are grown, including some endemic species, and among the plants there are also some of the most representative examples of Bosnian stećak. The service in the museum is extremely professional and friendly. The staff is ready to provide visitors with the necessary information and guided tours to enable them to have the best possible visit. Also, the museum regularly organizes various educational programs and events, enriching the visitor's experience.

The price of the ticket to visit the museum is affordable and allows a wide range of people to enjoy its contents. Children of preschool age can visit the museum for free, children from 6 to 18 years old and students pay 2KM, pensioners 2KM and adults 8KM. You can pay for your ticket in cash. The atmosphere in the museum is inspiring and culturally enriching.

The exhibits are carefully placed and allow visitors to embark on a journey through time periods and cultural traditions. The museum also offers a space for relaxation and reflection, where visitors can enjoy art and cultural heritage. The contents of the museum are extremely diverse. Visitors will have the opportunity to see archaeological finds, traditional costumes, artwork, natural exhibits and much more.

The museum also frequently organizes temporary exhibitions and special events, providing visitors with unique experiences and new perspectives on cultural heritage. The National Museum in Sarajevo is an essential destination for all lovers of culture and history. Through its rich collections and diverse contents, this museum provides a deeper understanding and respect for the cultural heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Visit the National Museum and explore the fascinating history and art of this region.