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Svrzina kuća

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Svrza's House in Sarajevo is a unique museum that reveals the city's rich history and traditions. This house, built in the 18th century, represents an authentic example of the architecture of that time and provides an insight into the life of an urban Muslim family in Sarajevo. Svrza's house is a private house in Sarajevo built in traditional Bosnian style, which today serves as a museum of Bosnian architecture. The house absolutely preserved the intimacy of family life and provided an insight into the life of the alley.

It is the most beautifully preserved example of exceptional Sarajevo residential construction in the Ottoman period. Svrza's house is mentioned in many architectural scientific theories as an example of Bosnian architecture of the Ottoman period, which defined the Bosnian architectural complex. According to many theories, it consists of the following components: a fence, which defined the street and clearly separated the private from the public space, the yard, which was lined with rounded stone, for easier maintenance, a fountain (water fountain), a fountain, which served for maintenance hygiene before entering the house, the hall, the ground floor, where the family gathered, and the divanhana upstairs, which was of a private character, and used mainly for rest and enjoying the view of the bazaar or nature. The house had a flower garden, a garden and a vegetable garden.

It was built of unbaked adobe bricks and wood. The house was characterized by two clearly separated parts: male and female, which speaks of patriarchal relations in the family, specific to the entire period of Ottoman rule, which remained for a long time and left their traces until recent times. Svrza's house belonged to the rich merchant family Glođa, and through marriage it became the property of the Svrzo family. Today, it is an annex of the Museum of Sarajevo, which must be visited.

For this reason, by the way, consider yourself very privileged, because in the past, in the past, no one who was not its tenant was allowed to set foot in such a house, except for its men's and guest rooms. The service in the museum is extremely professional and friendly. The staff is knowledgeable and ready to provide visitors with information about the house and its historical importance. Also, guided tours are organized that allow you to get to know the house and its contents in more detail.

The entrance fee for visiting the museum is affordable and amounts to 3KM for adults and 1KM for children, allowing visitors to enjoy all the beauty and values of Svrza's house. The ticket can be paid in cash. The atmosphere in the museum is very pleasant and authentic. Visitors will feel as if they have stepped back in time as they explore the different rooms of the house, from the living rooms to the kitchen and courtyard.

This atmosphere provides a unique experience that revives the past and brings us closer to the customs and way of life of that time. The contents of the museum include various artifacts and objects that were used in the house, as well as informative panels and photographs that provide an insight into the life of the former inhabitants of Sarajevo. Visitors will have the opportunity to see traditional furniture, household items, textiles and other valuable artifacts that testify to the history and culture of Sarajevo. Svrza's house in Sarajevo is an unmissable destination for all lovers of history and culture. This museum offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the past and learn about the traditions and way of life in Sarajevo. Visit Svrza's house and experience an unforgettable journey through time.