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Despića kuća

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Despić's house - the most beautiful combination of oriental and Austro-Hungarian culture Welcome to Despić House, a unique museum located in the heart of Sarajevo. This fascinating destination offers an exciting insight into the city's rich cultural heritage. Despić House is a museum-house in Sarajevo. The house shows the residential culture of the wealthy, trading, Orthodox Despić family.

It is located at the corner of Obala Kulina bana and Despićeva Street in the old part of Sarajevo, not far from the Latin bridge and is owned by the Museum of Sarajevo, as its annex. Despić's house was declared a national monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2005. The house was built in several phases in three different periods. The oldest part dates from the 17th century.

The house belonged to the wealthy, Orthodox Despić family, who donated the house to the city of Sarajevo together with another building, which today houses the Museum of Literature and Theater Arts. The significance of the house lies in the fact that the first classic theater performances took place in it, so that this building can be considered a forerunner of contemporary theater in Sarajevo. The first and second floors of the house are quite different in terms of style. While the first floor is furnished in an oriental style, the rooms on the second floor are decorated according to Central European standards, thanks to Wilhelmina, Max's daughter-in-law, who happened to be Austrian.

In almost all rooms, there are Orthodox icons that testify to the deep religiosity of the Despić family. As part of the permanent exhibition, the Despića House hosted the exhibition "The Hero Walter" about Vladimir Perić - Walter, the leader of the resistance movement against the Nazi occupation of Sarajevo. The exhibition shows his personal items, as well as Sarajevo and its surroundings during the Second World War. The author of the exhibition is Igor Radovanović.

In addition to the Despić house, the Despić family also donated the house in which the BiH Museum of Literature and Theater Arts is located to the city of Sarajevo. The service at Despića House is extremely professional and friendly. The staff is always ready to provide you with the necessary information and help you explore the museum. Professional guides will guide you through the rooms and share interesting stories about the history and significance of this cultural place.

The ticket price for Despić House is affordable and provides exceptional value for money. Given the abundance of content and cultural value it provides, this ticket is an excellent investment for art and history lovers. You can pay for your ticket in cash. The atmosphere in the Despić house is pleasant and inspiring. The museum is housed in a beautiful architecture that exudes authenticity and the spirit of the past. The indoor space offers a peaceful environment that allows you to immerse yourself in the artwork and history that the museum has to offer.