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Olimpijski muzej

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The Olympic Museum in Sarajevo is a unique place that revives the spirit of the Olympic Games that were held in 1984. Located in the heart of the city, the museum offers visitors an unforgettable journey through the sporting past and inspires them to remember the incredible moments of the event. The Sarajevo Olympic Museum was opened on February 8, 1984, the opening day of the XIV Winter Olympic Games. The museum was opened with the aim of permanently preserving and inheriting the memory of the organization of one of the largest sports events held in Southeastern Europe.

From 1984 to 1992, the Museum operated in a representative villa in the center of Sarajevo, where more than 300 thematic programs were realized. On April 27, 1992, during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Museum building was set on fire and many valuable exhibits were destroyed. The rescued exhibits were re-installed in the new Olympic Museum in 2004, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the XIV ZOI, which is located in the Zetra complex in the premises of the BiH Olympic Committee. The museum has a documentary exhibit on the organization, preparation and realization of ZOI '84 and an art collection of donated works of art, the "Art and Sport" map of world graphics collection with works by artists: Henry Moore, Andy Warhol, Michelangelo Pistoletto, as well as a collection of contemporary Bosnian artists: Mersad Berber, Boško Kućanski, Mehmed Zaimović.

The Olympic Museum building was designed by the Czech architect Karlo Paržik as a villa for the Sarajevo lawyer and politician Nikola Mandić in 1903 and was modeled on luxurious European villas from the same period. After the Second World War, the building was nationalized and declared public property. The building of the Olympic Museum was declared a national monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina as part of the architectural complex of villas from the Austro-Hungarian period in Petrakijina street. The City of Sarajevo has undertaken activities to have the Museum open before the EYOF 2019 organized by Sarajevo and East Sarajevo.

The service provided by the Olympic Museum is outstanding. The staff is professional, friendly and willing to share knowledge about the Games and the exhibits. Visitors can enjoy guided tours in multiple languages, allowing everyone to get an in-depth look at all aspects of the games. The entrance fee is affordable and justified considering the richness of the museum's contents.

Visitors pay for their tickets in cash. The atmosphere in the Olympic Museum is inspiring. The exhibition spaces have been carefully designed to bring the spirit of the Olympic Games to life. Interactive installations, audio-visual materials and authentic sports props create an atmosphere of excitement and pride.

The content of the museum is diverse and interesting for all visitors. You can explore the stories of sporting heroes, view original Olympic medals, athletes' uniforms and discover historic moments that shaped the Games. There are also numerous multimedia presentations that provide a detailed insight into the organization of the games and their importance for Sarajevo. A visit to the Olympic Games museum is a real pleasure for all sports enthusiasts and history lovers. This museum is the right destination for those who want to connect with Sarajevo's Olympic heritage and feel the magic of that great sporting event. Do not miss the opportunity to visit the Olympic Museum and be inspired by the story of success, courage and sportsmanship that marked Sarajevo in 1984.