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Stara pravoslavna crkva i muzej

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The old Orthodox church and museum in Sarajevo represent an extremely valuable cultural and historical treasure. This church, which dates back to the 16th century, and the accompanying museum offer visitors a unique opportunity to explore the city's rich Orthodox tradition and history. The Museum of the Old Orthodox Church in Sarajevo was created in 1889 from the church treasury. Church tutor Jeftan Despić, a member of the famous Sarajevo family Despić, is particularly responsible for the opening of the Museum.

The Old Orthodox Church in Sarajevo, which is dedicated to the Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel, is one of the oldest sacred buildings in Sarajevo. It is assumed that it was built in the middle of the 16th century, and that in the place where an even older church used to stand. In the course of its history, the Church burned down several times, but was rebuilt every time, so it kept its authentic appearance. The last time it was rebuilt from the ground up was in 1726.

Next to the Church is the Museum of the Old Orthodox Church, founded in 1889, which, due to the value of the icons it possesses, is considered one of the most important Orthodox museums in the world. The museum also houses very valuable manuscripts, the most famous of which is the new canon (code) of the Sarajevo Inn from 1307, as well as a collection of old money, clothes, and weapons. It was declared a national monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The national monument consists of a church, a churchyard, a museum building, an enclosure wall, an entrance gate, a parish house and movable heritage that consists of: a) inventory of the church: iconostasis, collection of icons in the church (20 icons), Christ's tomb, throne, two choir stalls, ark of St.

Teapots, two stone candlesticks, chairs, a bowl, three chandeliers b) Museum inventory: collection of icons (140 icons), four iconostasis fragments, collection of items made of metal (114 items), book collection (13 books), collection of old documents (6 documents), collection of liturgical fabrics and embroidery (37 items) . The service in the museum is excellent, and the staff is friendly and professional. Visitors will receive detailed information about the historical significance of the church and its artistic values. Guided tours allow a deeper understanding of the architecture, iconography and spirituality of the church.

The entrance fee for the museum is affordable and amounts to 2 KM, while the entrance to the church is free. You can pay for your ticket in cash. The atmosphere in the Old Orthodox Church is peaceful and spiritual. The interior of the church exudes a mystical atmosphere, and the peace and quiet offer visitors the opportunity to connect with the spiritual dimension of this sanctuary.

The museum offers rich content that includes valuable icons, liturgical objects, books, old photographs and documents that bear witness to the religious and cultural heritage of the Orthodox people in Sarajevo. Visitors can explore various aspects of Orthodox tradition, art and customs throughout the time period. The old Orthodox church and museum in Sarajevo are precious monuments that are proudly kept as witnesses of past times and the Orthodox identity of the city. A visit to this museum provides a unique opportunity to learn about Orthodox culture and the historical heritage of Sarajevo. Do not miss the opportunity to visit the Old Orthodox Church and Museum in Sarajevo and immerse yourself in the rich Orthodox tradition of this city.