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Spomenički kompleks “Tunel spasa”

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The "Salvation Tunnel" memorial complex in Sarajevo is a unique attraction that revives the historical significance of the city during the siege in the period 1992-1995. This museum offers visitors a unique opportunity to explore the depth of courage and endurance of the people of Sarajevo during the most difficult times. "Tunnel of salvation" is the name for the Sarajevo war tunnel that was built during the siege of Sarajevo in 1993. The tunnel was built under the airport runway and connected two territories that were under the control of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Dobrinja and Butmir), so the tunnel was called "Tunnel D-B".

The tunnel is 785.5 m long, about 1 m wide and about 1.5 m high, although in some parts the height is up to 1.8 m.

The tunnel was referred to as the "Tunnel that doesn't exist" in the official talks between ARBIH and the UN. The tunnel was Sarajevo's strictest secret because food, weapons, cigarettes, etc. arrived in Sarajevo through the tunnel. During 1994, small rails were installed through the tunnel on which small carts could travel.

Also in 1994, the Republika Srpska army found out about the tunnel, so Ratko Mladić contacted the UN-held airport and demanded that the tunnel be demolished and closed. Then the VRS tried by digging another tunnel and diverting the Željeznica river to submerge the tunnel and thus disable it, but their intention failed. The service in the Memorial Complex "Tunnel Spasa" is extremely professional and informative. Professional staff are available to provide additional information and guide tours through the museum.

Interactive presentations, audio-visual materials and witness stories allow visitors to immerse themselves in the atmosphere and better understand historical events. The ticket price for visiting the museum is 10 KM, while the price for students is 5 KM, considering the value and authenticity of the experience provided. Visitors can pay for the ticket in cash in local currency. The atmosphere in the Memorial Complex "Tunnel of Salvation" is emotional and impressive.

Visitors can encounter an authentic part of the tunnel that was used by the civilian population during the siege, and feel the strength and courage of the people who passed through it. Solemn ceremonies and commemorations on the occasion of the suffering and victims of the siege additionally contribute to the special atmosphere. The museum offers rich content that reveals stories about the tunnel and its role during the war. Visitors can see photos, documents, artifacts and reconstructions that testify to the heroism and suffering of the inhabitants of Sarajevo.

The museum provides a detailed insight into the logistics and organization of the tunnel, as well as the daily lives of the people who relied on it for survival. The "Tunel of Rescue" memorial complex is an important part of the history of Sarajevo and a witness to the courage and resilience of the inhabitants. Visiting this museum is a deeply emotional experience that visitors will remember for a long time. Don't miss the opportunity to visit the "Tunnel of Salvation" memorial complex and experience the authentic historical story of Sarajevo.