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Kamerni teatar 55

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Chamber Theater 55 is a renowned cultural institution located in Sarajevo at Maršala Tito 56, which is known for its exceptional stage performances and rich artistic program. Chamber Theater 55 began its work in 1955, and its stage usually presents the repertoire of avant-garde and experimental theater. Jurislav Korenić was one of the founders and main initiators of the launch of the Small Theatre, today Kamerni Teatar 55. He was the manager of this theater from 1958 to 1966, but also the director of 44 plays that were staged on the stage of the Chamber Theater 55.

For more than 60 years, Kamerni Teatar 55 has been operating in the Palace of Progress, one of the most beautiful buildings built in the Art Nouveau style in Sarajevo. With its extended stage space, which is surrounded by the audience on three sides, Chamber Theater 55 has the privilege of being able to establish a more intimate relationship with the audience, unlike classic scenes with so-called ramp. This theater house can boast of an impressive history - over 300 premieres were performed on the stage of the Chamber Theater 55, and only in the war period, from 1992 to 1995, 28 plays were staged. Plays by renowned world authors: Beckett, Chekhov, Shakespeare, Brecht, as well as local writers: Abdullah Sidran, Dževad Karahasan, Ivo Andrić, Mako Dizdar were performed in this theater.

The total capacity of the Stone Theater is about 160, and it is recommended to book in advance before your arrival. Free internet, snack and cafe bar are available in the theater itself. The service at Chamber Theater 55 is exceptional. The staff is professional, accommodating and knowledgeable, providing visitors with a high level of service.

Everything is carefully organized and the staff is always there to provide information and help visitors in every way. Ticket prices for performances at the Chamber Theater 55 are affordable, especially considering the high quality of the performances provided. Visitors can enjoy top stage performances at reasonable prices. Payment for the ticket is made in cash.

The atmosphere in Chamber Theater 55 is unique and inspiring. Sit in the intimate space of the theater and experience the closeness of the performers and the audience. Each performance is carefully created to create a special atmosphere and emotion. Chamber Theater 55 is a place where art meets the audience in an extraordinary way.

Chamber Theater 55 offers diverse content that includes different genres and styles of performances. From drama to comedy, from classical to contemporary works, Chamber Theater 55 offers a wide range of stage performances that will satisfy the different tastes and interests of the audience. Also, there are themed evenings, panels and other special events that enrich the artistic experience. As for the pet-friendly policy, Chamber Theater 55 does not allow pets to enter its premises for reasons of safety and preservation of the theater's ambience.

As for parking, Chamber Theater 55 does not have its own parking lot, but there are public parking spaces nearby that are available to visitors. In short, Chamber Theater 55 is a top cultural institution that offers outstanding stage performances and an artistic program. The service is exceptional, the prices are affordable, the atmosphere is inspiring, and the contents are varied. A visit to the Chamber Theater 55 provides a unique cultural experience that is worth experiencing.