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The Hum Forest Park is located north-west of the center of Sarajevo, just above the town of Pofalići. Hum is recognizable by the TV repeater, which is located at the very top of the hill, at an altitude of 816 meters, and which is the most important communication facility in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The largest part of the Hum hill has been declared a park and recreational zone of the "Hum" Forest Park, in which the construction of a number of sports and recreational facilities is planned in the coming period. From the top of Hum there is a fascinating view of Sarajevo and the Trebević, Igman and Bjelašnica mountains.

The most beautiful view is the one at night, when the lights of Sarajevo come on under Hum. A telecommunications transmitter ("Relay") was built on top of Hum in the 1980s. The top can be reached by foot or by taxi. This television repeater is the most important communication facility in Bosnia and Herzegovina. On the Statehood Day of Bosnia and Herzegovina, November 25, 2017. the biggest flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina was raised on Hum hill, on a 30-meter-high mast measuring 12x6 meters. Hum can be reached on foot or by taxi, and the drive from the city center to Hum takes ten minutes.