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Is it worth going to Sarajevo?

November 05, 2023


Is it worth going to Sarajevo?

Credit for photo: Meet Bosnia

Are you looking for your next travel adventure but not sure where to go? Consider Sarajevo, a city that seamlessly blends history, culture, and stunning landscapes. In this blog, we’ll explore what makes Sarajevo worth a visit and why it’s an unforgettable destination for travelers seeking a unique experience.

  1. Rich History: Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, is a city with a rich and diverse history. It’s the place where Eastern and Western cultures collide, and it’s evident in the architecture and the people. From the Ottoman Empire to the Austro-Hungarian rule and more recently, the Yugoslav era, Sarajevo has absorbed it all.
  2. Bridging Cultures: One of the most remarkable aspects of Sarajevo is its ability to bring together people from various religious and cultural backgrounds. Mosques, churches, and synagogues stand side by side, symbolizing the city’s unity in diversity. It’s a perfect destination for those interested in intercultural experiences.
  3. Breathtaking Scenery: Nestled in a valley surrounded by majestic mountains, Sarajevo offers breathtaking views and outdoor activities. Whether you’re an adventure seeker or a nature lover, you’ll find hiking, skiing, and beautiful nature reserves nearby.
  4. Delicious Cuisine: Sarajevo’s cuisine is a fusion of Eastern and Western flavors. Don’t leave without trying the iconic cevapi, a dish of minced meat served with flatbread and onions. Sarajevo’s cafes also offer excellent Turkish coffee and traditional Bosnian sweets.
  5. War History: Sarajevo was at the heart of the Bosnian War in the 1990s. The city has a powerful war history that’s deeply engraved in its streets and museums. The Sarajevo Tunnel Museum is a must-visit, offering insight into the city’s resilience during those challenging times.
  6. Affordability: Sarajevo is known for being an affordable destination. Accommodation, food, and transportation costs are much lower than in many other European cities, making it a great option for budget travelers.
  7. Warm Hospitality: Sarajevo’s people are known for their warm hospitality and friendliness towards tourists. You’ll feel welcome and at home as you explore the city.
  8. Old Bazaar (Bascarsija): The Bascarsija is the historical and cultural center of Sarajevo. Its cobblestone streets, artisan shops, and cozy cafes transport you back in time. Don’t miss the opportunity to haggle for some authentic souvenirs.
  9. Sebilj Fountain: The Sebilj Fountain in Bascarsija Square is an iconic symbol of Sarajevo. It’s a popular meeting point and a great spot for taking pictures.
  10. Sarajevo Film Festival: If you’re a film enthusiast, consider visiting Sarajevo during the Sarajevo Film Festival. It’s one of the most significant film festivals in Southeast Europe, featuring a diverse selection of films.
Credit for photo: Get Yout Guide


In conclusion, Sarajevo is a city where the past meets the present, offering an unforgettable travel experience. Its unique history, cultural diversity, and stunning landscapes make it a hidden gem in Europe. And with its affordability and warm hospitality, it’s a destination that’s certainly worth exploring.

So, is it worth going to Sarajevo? Absolutely, yes! Book your trip, immerse yourself in this captivating city, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Sarajevo is waiting to welcome you with open arms, ready to reveal its charm and secrets.